"I was exposed to the world of baby wearing through an Australian Facebook site. I'd never heard of it and didn't have much of an understanding. I instantly fell in love with all the beautiful photos I saw of mums being able to carry their babies close to their hearts and i knew that i wanted to baby wear.
I wanted to start with something simple to use and that my husband could enjoy to and this is how I stumbled across the world of Soft Structure Carriers.
I decided to buy a Manduca carrier because it ticked all the boxes. It had the infant seat built in so it saved cost and made the product more practical, it was one of the SSC with the highest back panel (thanks to the clever back panel extension) and I loved the safety feature of the three point buckle on the waist so it wasn't easy to undo for small hands!!
I am also a fan of nice clean, neat designs and not huge on patterns so for me the Olive Manduca matched my wardrobe and was 'manly' enough for my husband to enjoy too!
It's so comfortable and my nearly 3 month old just adores being in it and falls asleep straight away. I wish I could have one in every colour to match every outfit, but sadly I was only allowed one!!!!
Such a lovely product, great quality and worth every cent! I know this will get used so so much and will help keep my baby calm when she is ill or sad and will make her happy to be close when she needs a cuddle or wants to see the world from a different view.
Thank you for making baby wearing such an enjoyable and easy to accomplish task!!"
manduca Australia Facebook page