We discovered that Peyton was a breech baby at our 35 week appointment at the hospital.
We went for ultrasounds to confirm and at 37 weeks we tried a ECV (External Cephalic Version) at this appointment she had already engaged and therefore unsuccessful.
We booked in for a caesarean for 39 weeks
At 37.5 weeks, she surprised us and came into the work via emergency c section as she was not waiting for anyone. Her little legs were facing straight up to her head. Her legs did go down after a couple days.
At 6 weeks, she had a routine paediatrician appointment and ultrasound which picked up that she had total dislocation in her right hip, she also had it slightly in her left.
We had a referral to Sunshine children’s hip clinic when she was 7 weeks. At that appointment, she had an ultrasound and her first brace (Pavlik Harness) was placed on, she needed this on 24/7 for 6 weeks.
At our 6 weeks’ check-up, she was changed to a Dennis Brown Brace. She was allowed 1 hour her day to have her brace off. This is when she started Kanga Training with Kylie.
We would warm up and then the last 45 mins of the class she would have it off and was in the Manduca Carrier, the Manduca still held her legs in the correct position for her hips so it was great that we could still carry out Kanga training.
In this time Peyton leant to crawl in her brace. And did very well getting around on her own.
On December, the 8th we had another check-up. Peyton only had to wear her brace for sleeping and naps.
We had an appointment just before Christmas and hoped we would have it off but unfortunately we had to have it a bit longer
On January 6th 2016 (7 months old) we had an appointment and her brace was finally off.
Within a week she was crawling.
At 14 months, old Peyton was walking.
At the time, we thought her hip dysplasia was everything, we were so stressed like any parent would be. Now it is a distant memory.
If I have any advice to any parents going through the same. Just take it one step at a time.
Don’t get your hopes up when it is appointment time as we were let down a few times due to slower progress.
Focus on your child as a whole; their hips are not everything.